The Beginners Guide to Meditation

Give your brain a break

With everything going on we all could use a little bit of time to reset our brains and our nervous systems. Meditation is a great way to check in with yourself and your body. You don’t know how much you need a break until you take one. Many people are feel like mediation does not work for them because their brain wonders to their to-do list, the conversation they just had with their parents, or the many emotions that they have tucked away that are just waiting to come out. Yes, this happens and it’s okay. Meditation or Brain Breaks are a practice; they are not something that you are going to be an expert at when you arejust get started it’s a personal journey that’s just for you.

How to do it: With technology today there are so many useful tool check out a few of these apps


Insight timer


Check out YouTube and search meditations

Do it your self:

Focus on Deep beathing

In through your nose and out through your mouth ( add sound to your exhale)

Find a focus: Gratitude, healing, relaxation, energizing your body, loving your self

All for this focus to completely take over your body as if it was starting from the top of your head to the soles of your feet.

*There is not time restricting on mediation just do what feels good for you.

Peace and Blessing to you.



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